
Lo sabe todo, absolutamente todo.
Figúrense lo tonto que será.

 (Miguel de Unamuno)


Mi religión es buscar la verdad en la vida y la vida en la verdad, aun a sabiendas de no he de encontrarlas mientras viva; mi religión es luchar incesantemente e incansablemente con el misterio.

 (roughly): My religion is searching for the truth in life and life in the truth, though knowing that I do not have to find it while I live; my religion is fighting incessantly and tirelessly with the unknown.

Miguel de Unamuno 

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.

For see!
The Self is in all beings,
And all beings are in the Self.

Know you are free,
Free of "I,"
Free of "mine."

Be happy.

-Ashtavakra Gita 15:6
"If you believe in dreams you are crazy. And if you don´t...what are you...?" Lorenzo da Ponte.


*	All the world's a stage,			 *	
* And all the men and women merely players: *
* They have their exits and their entrances; *
* And one man in his time plays many parts, *
* *
* William Shakespeare *